PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia - Karir dan Info
PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia - Karir dan Info

Karir PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia – Karir dan Info Tahun 2025 (Resmi)

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PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia adalah perusahaan bergerak di bidang transportasi darat, unit usaha Aerowisata Transportation melengkapi layanan transportasi udara PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Aerotrans fokus melayani bidang transportasi darat, mulai dari jasa sewa kendaraan, jasa transportasi bus wisata, jasa pengelolaan transportasi internal, layanan transportasi area bandara, sampai kawasan industri. Berikut ini adalah Lowongan Kerja PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia.

Melalui anak perusahaan yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Aerotrans, Aerowisata Transportation memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun untuk memberikan layanan transportasi terbaik kepada pelanggan, baik perorangan maupun perusahaan, di bidang penerbangan, pertambangan, perminyakan dan gas, hingga asuransi dan perbankan.

Dengan lebih dari 1.500 armada bus, mini bus, vans, mobil, pick-up, hingga truk beraneka ukuran, Aerotrans siap memenuhi kebutuhan transportasi Anda. Setiap armada kendaraan kami telah dilengkapi dengan fasilitas keamanan, komunikasi radio, dan GPS demi keselamatan dan kenyamanan berkendara.

Lowongan Kerja PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia

Saat ini PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia saat ini sedang membuka rekrutmen lowongan untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

1. Brand Development & Marketing Analyst

  • This role is expected to create new paths in our marketing communication strategy within the marketing & sales departement. You will collaborate with the team to develop a branding strategy roadmap and execute the overall plan

Key Responsibilities :

  • Execute end-to-end integrated marketing campaigns across offline and online channels, including planning, execution, monitoring, and reporting
  • Work closely with the VP to manage
  • Conduct competitor analysis and provide recommendations for the marketing plan
  • Stay up to date with market and online trends relevant to the brand
  • Manage and create content for social media

General Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, PR, Communications, or related fields, with a minimum 2 years of experience
  • Experience in project management and strong copywriting skills in both English and Bahasa Indonesia
  • Expertise in editing software such as Adove Photoshop, CorelDRAW, CapCut, or similar tools
  • Familiarity with Google Analytics is a plus
  • Experience in brand activation and B2B branding is an advantage
  • Location Aerotrans Head Office, Tangerang

2. Facility Management Supervisor

  • This role is expected to plan, design, and budget for room or building maintenance, redesign, and new construction. You will oversee the entire building maintenance process, ensuring safety procedures, emergency plans, and routine inspections are effectively implemented

Key Responsibilities :

  • Planning, designing, and budgeting for room/building maintenance, redesign, or new construction
  • Supervising the end-to-end process of building maintenance, including implementing building safety procedures and emergency plans, supervising maintenance operational staff, performing routine building inspection, and reporting the results
  • Receiving breakdown reports and planning maintenance actions

General Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering architecture or a relevant field
  • Solid experience in Facility Management/Building Management with a minimum of 5 years, including at least 1 years of supervising or leading a team
  • Skills in creating 3D engineering drawings
  • Familiarity with facility Management SOPs, HSE, and Asset Management
  • Understanding of ISO 9001:2015
  • Location Aerotrans Head Office, Tangerang

3. Bod Secretary (Board of Directors)

  • This role is expected to manage administrative and clerical tasks for the Director and Deputy Director. You will be responsible for disseminating internal and external memos, reports and other information, managing petty cash for executive needs, and coordinating BOD’s agenda

Key Responsibilities :

  • Collaborative with the BOD assistant to manage administrative and clerical tasks for the executive office (Director and Deputy Director)
  • Disseminate internal and external memos, reports, and other information
  • Manage petty cash for executive needs, including preparing financial statements and invoices
  • Assist in coordinating the end-to-end agendas for BOD

General Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree in any major with a minimum of 1 year of relevant work experience
  • Effective and professional communication skills, with the ability to maintain relationships with various stakeholders
  • Strong professional writing skills, including emails, memos, and reports
  • Project management and budget management skills
  • Tech-savvy and proficient in Microsoft Office and Google Suite
  • Location Aerotrans Head Office, Tangerang

Tata Cara Melamar:

Bagi kalian yang berminat dan sesuai dengan persyaratan tersebut silahkan lengkapi form pendaftaran melalui link dibawah ini :


  • Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun

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